Heartland Legal Nurse Consulting LLC works with lawyers to bridge the gap between the legal and medical worlds. We are Certified Legal Nurse Consultants as well as Registered Nurses specializing in legal cases pertaining to personal injury, medical malpractice, toxic tort, worker’s compensation, and a variety of other health, injury, and illness cases.
Christa Sommers MSN, RN, PCCN, NPD-BC, CLNC
I am the owner of Heartland Legal Nurse Consulting LLC and have obtained my certification in Legal Nurse Consulting (CLNC) through the National Alliances of Legal Nurse Consultants. I love the opportunity to take my nursing knowledge to the next level and help attorneys understand the medical issues in their cases. Legal Nurse Consulting allows me to put my experience in nursing to use in a new way, and even away from the bedside, to still have a positive impact on other people’s lives.
I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) through Indiana University Kokomo and my Masters of Science in Nursing Leadership (MSN) through The University of Arizona. In 2017, I became a Progressive Care Certified Nurse (PCCN) through the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Then in 2018, my critical care bedside experience allowed me to transition into the Clinical Nurse Educator on a Progressive Care Unit. My passion for the legal side of nursing led me to take a Clinical Risk Manager position which has further expanded my knowledge on legal/risk-related issues in healthcare.